We’ve shared so many funny times and could write a book.
Everybody loves Ron ! !
It has been so much fun getting this WONDERWORD puzzle for you….I think you’ll be busy with all your new books to work. I have gotten so tickled every morning when you “grab” the paper to work your puzzle. It has been so difficult to not say anything.
Hey! I did good on this little surprise, didn’t I? Actually you made it easy because you love doing the WONDERWORD puzzle so much. It was fun to work with Linda….Thanks, Linda for all the correspondence to get this together !
Happy Birthday….Love, Joyce
A Message from the Wonderword Team
Happy Birthday Ron!
You have been PUZZLED by your family. They must love you very much!
All the best,
David Ouellet and the WONDERWORD Team
Play Happy 70th Birthday To My Bestest Friend. Puzzle